Thursday, June 25, 2020

And we have a plan - and no stranger to multi-tasking

Dr. Miller checked in on Remy leg on Wednesday. She was happy to note that the swelling was quite reduced. I held my breath while trotting him for her: Sound or not?? Yay, sound!

So, we have a detailed plan: Starting with 10 min. hand-walking per day, which gets increased by 5 min./day.
"Frequent snack breaks are very important for my mental health", says Remy
Once we are at 25 min. hand-walking we can do five minutes tack walking. The tack walking gets increased 5 min./day until we are at 25 min. Then we add trot, also in five min. increments. After the 25 min. trot marked is reached we can introduce trails again. Turnout is one hour to start and increased incrementally, but in the smallest pasture, and definitely not when it is close to feeding time. We reduce ice boot usage to once per day, poultice every night for the next five nights, and then reduce to every other night. Uff! Remy needs his own appointment book so we can keep track of everything.

Add to that my client appointments and the respective paperwork, keeping track of Chambord's Adequan shots, the farrier schedule, getting hay, making sure Ziggy has his play time in the woods, taking the cats for the vaccinations, keeping up with the Equine Physio webinars, and the class on "Arthritis and other causes of Lameness"... and yes, also making Erdbeer-Rhabarber Gsaelz (Swabian for strawberry rhubarb jam), and I'm glad that I am no stranger to multi-tasking!

"Hey, I saw something!" 

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