Wednesday, June 10, 2020

To bling or not to bling - and it's great when things come together

Good news: Remy's anatomical Schockemoehle Equitus Beta bridle arrived at Sporthorse Saddlery. Bad news: It comes with bling - and I don't do bling! The plain browband I wanted is on backorder, probably somewhere stuck in Germany's Covid-19 abyss.

Anna and Carrie at Sporthorse tried to convince me that Remy will look very nice with the sparkle - as Carrie put it "he's a plain bay, he can use it". Perhaps he can, but I can't. What's next? Frilly blouses?? I did like the rest of the bridle so I took it home and tried it on Remy. And wouldn't you know it - JP loved the look. Go figure. And I (very grudgingly) had to admit that yes, it looks actually quite sharp on him. Still no bling or frilly blouses for me, though!
Remy rocking the bling
Paulette called yesterday, her neighbor in Wellington is getting out of horses and has a lot of very nice horse things to give away, mainly winter blankets, not exactly a hot commodity in Florida. Paulette knew about my volunteering at TRI and asked if they would be interested. I contacted Jenn, and yes, of course, they are. So then, how to get a trunk full of horse stuff from Florida to Michigan - low cost, of course? On the off chance that there are still horses being shipped (as the Florida season has ended) I contacted our shipper, Jan, and it turns out she indeed has a load going this month.

So, here's the plan: Paulette will drive the trunk from Wellington to Ocala, Jan will pick it up and ship it with the horses. As this is for charity, Jan has generously offered to waive the fee. I will pick it up at Jan's place (and give one of her horses a bodywork session as thank you) and then deliver it to TRI in Ann Arbor. Et voila: When great women work together things get done!

 Hand-grazing Remy,
concocting a tack shipping strategy with Paulette on the phone,
and finding a 4-leaf clover

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