Thursday, December 24, 2020

OMG, what is this thing touching me?? - and Merry Christmas

On Tuesday Remy and I had our second lesson with Vanessa. She wanted him to be more engaged from behind and asked for my whip to tap him just slightly. Well, by Remy's reaction you would think he gets beaten regularly! He was like "OMG, there is a whip touching me!!!" What a drama queen, ahem, king. It sure did the trick and he put his rear wheel drive in gear. JP took some video so it was cool to see (less cool how I almost hugged his neck). 

It's almost Christmas Eve, and I just finished my last client summaries. Time to bring the boys in for their dinner. I am very thankful that despite this crazy year our little world is OK. I spoke with Mutti today, and I have to say I admire her newfound strength and resolve: No complaints about the lockdown, being alone Christmas Eve, etc. She even loved our Christmas present (!), hand delivered by Ingrid.

Time to crack the Cremant de Loire bottle. Dinner tonight is carryout from Diamond Jim Brady's Bistro, owned by a fellow horse woman.  Duck legs for JP, seafood cakes for me, plus various sides, and Apfelstrudel for dessert. No worries, Remy and Chambord, you won't have more weight in your respective saddles - you guys make sure we work it off!


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