September 12 was the one year mark of Jean-Paul's accident - and when life as I knew it stopped. To say that it's been a rough ride would be the ultimate understatement. But I'm still standing, still riding, still working, and most of all trying to keep my head above water.
When we made our will a few years ago JP had said that he wanted his ashes to be spread on our property and the riding trails. At the time I was "sure, no problem"... never thinking I would have to face the reality of actually doing this. It took me a year to get the strength to do it. Luckily, Vanessa offered her support and to accompany me on horseback.
So last Sunday we saddled the boys and went on the trails. I carried the ashes in a backpack while riding Chambord. It's almost like Chambord knew what was going on, he was so careful. It was most certainly the first time in his life that he carried a crying rider. I accidentally spilled some of the ashes on Chambord, but then, those two were two peas in a pod so after the first shock I thought it was very fitting.
I'm glad that I was able to do this: A perfect and very fitting "Godspeed" to the love of my life and consummate horseman.