Friday, January 7, 2022

And so we are in 2022 ... and all he needs are trailrides and cookies

 What can I say? I 'survived' my birthday, Christmas, and Silvester (New Year's) and didn't fall into a deep depression, for which I am very grateful. It's the 'village' around me that keeps me going, between my animals, friends, neighbors, and family I am carried in this storm (I deliberately say "in" as I'm not "through" and I may never will). 

Chambord had me worried, for a few days he didn't want to eat his food and he seemed lethargic and depressed. My wonderful vet did a thorough check up, and it turns out that clinically he is in perfect shape. I have several pages of results to prove it. Jen to the rescue! Turns out all he needed was TLC, trailrides, and Jen's home baked horse cookies😊

The boys are on high alert for Jen's cookies

Remy thinks he needs to 'liven up' the trailrides, and puts in some of his shenanigans. Nothing serious though, I guess it's more for entertainment. He has been working really well in our lesson with Vanessa. The frequency has been a bit hit and miss, as I am not trailering when it's snowing, or if the roads are icy. And yes, I'm a bit of a wuss, when the temps are low teens Fahrenheit or below I opt out. It will be Spring eventually. Also, my perspective has definitely changed. I don't sweat the small stuff so much anymore. I used to fret a lot along the lines of:  "OMG, we won't be able to exercise, we'll never be moving up.." And you know what? It really doesn't matter!

Happy New Year everyone!

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