Saturday, January 15, 2022

"Baby, it's too cold outside" - and if he works that well he may be allowed to small bite

 Ah, winter in Michigan. Say hello to deep freeze. Right now it's 14F (-10C) and that is the warmest part of the day. The tank heater in the run in shed is unsuccessful in keeping the water from freezing, so I'm carrying hot water from the house to the barn so the horses have drinking water during the day. I feed hay in hay bags four times a day, with the last and largest feeding at 10 p.m. Quite the service! 

Ziggy says: "Baby, it's way too cold outside"

In the freezing cold this morning Bob, my nice hay farmer, brought a pickup load of hay to make sure I'm not running out. Luckily Laurel and Dolores volunteered to help me stack the hay = women power (or as Laurel put it: "this is how things get done") Bob agreed, but then he was outnumbered anyway. 

Remy and I had to have a serious discussion yesterday morning. Apparently he was not happy with the speed of the breakfast service, and when I turned my back to get the buckets out of the cupboard he bit me in the back. Nothing serious, but still, so not acceptable, buddy! Later on I took him to a lesson with Vanessa. Remy was pretty amazing, the most uphill, through, and in front of the leg I've ever felt him. Guess if he works that well I should allow him a *small* bite from time to time!

A big challenge will be tomorrow: Switching from my Android to an IPhone. I dread losing a lot of information, but so be it. I do need an Apple Watch for the fall detection feature, as I am working often alone with client horses, and also riding on my own at home. My tech savvy friend and neighbor Ed went with me to the store last week, and I thought the easy -and cheaper- way would be to get a Galaxy watch for my Android. Good thought - bad execution. For some reason the health app (for fall detection) did not work. Two frustrating hours and not much to show for, other than 'education'. 

Every day is a new challenge, the grief comes in waves and sometimes I feel like getting swallowed up in it. Add to that a myriad of other problems (frozen pipes, unexpected bills, truck and trailer repair and service needs, etc.), and sometimes I am just overwhelmed by all the work and issues that need to be tackled. But then I remember all those small and large gestures of love and friendship I am receiving and I straighten my crown and fight another day. 


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