Yesterday's post really made me think about friendships in general (not equipment related) and the different facets of human and equine friendships. I am very fortunate, I have had my two best girlfriends for over 30 years. Interestingly, neither of them is into horses, they accept my passion and support it with shipments of tack, my favorite German riding magazines, and last but not least, shop for the best bras for riding in my difficult to find size. Hey - if that isn't friendship?
Both women couldn't be more different, one is a sophisticated world traveler, the other one is the heart of her family and the parish where she works as secretary. The conversations and interests are different, but with either of them there is a bond that's very deep and they both complete me on different levels.
It's similar with horses, some relationships just 'click', and still there is something special going on. My first equine best friend, Crissy, was a fiery three year old Morgan mare that I got as a present for our first anniversary (anybody wonders why I love the guy??). She was so different from Saumur, no 'baggage', easy to train, game for everything. I could go for hours alone blasting bareback through the woods - not something I would ever attempt on Saumur!
The first time I sat on Saumur I felt like I belonged. He was hyper, jigging, I needed both hands to steer, the owners all but freaked out when I said I wanted to ride him in a snaffle down the road, but still... something struck a chord. And when I look at JP and Chambord and the bond those two have, it's pretty amazing. Chambord can be quite opinionated, but he really tries to take care of JP. He might throw a fit with the rest of us, but he somehow just tunes in to JP.
What I am trying to get at is that there are human and equine personalities that attend to our different and numerous needs and therefore are able to complete us in various ways.
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