Sunday, November 27, 2011

What does weight have to do with it?

A lot, in this case -- I am referring to weight aids. I always struggled with keeping Saumur straight in the canter departs. Especially going to the left he has a tendency to do haunches in when I prepare for the depart. Today it was really obvious and together with Sandy we figured out that it has to do with how I use my weight aids. I was taught a long time ago to "really put the weight on the inside seat bone to prepare for the canter depart". By doing this, and probably not staying straight myself, Saumur thought I must be asking for something else and offered haunches in.

It made a huge difference when I kept my weight centered and just lightly asked with a half-halt followed by the leg aids. Sandy mentioned that she recently read a quote from Kyra Kirklund, where Kyra stated that the weight aids are over-rated. Her advise: "just sit centered". In my case, that is the key. It also reminded me of something Catherine Haddad wrote, that you have to ride off the skeleton, and not the muscle mass. Keeping in mind that a horse can feel a tiny fly on his hide, there is no need for the rider to 'throw the weight around'. Yes, shifting the position, but with finesse, not exaggeration.

Sandy and I discussed the plans for next year - would I have time for everything, 3rd level freestyle, showing 4th, and bringing out Remy? All this while my travel calendar for next year is already filling up. We'll see. I am very hopeful that we'll be doing well next year, Saumur finally is 'rideable', meaning we don't spend three quarters of a lesson trying to overcome a spooking issue. Today, for example, we did the trot work out of the St. Georg test, with 8 m circles.

While I was in Germany my dad offered to buy me a shadbelly for my birthday and Christmas (both are just a week apart), but I really didn't want to jinx it. I'll buy it when we are ready to do a decent test, not before. And yes, weight has to do something with it. What if by the time I get to the FEI levels I am not as 'svelte' anymore? Just kidding!

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