I had been dragging out the moving day for the boys, mainly
because I just love having them at home. Realistically, though, there is nothing
I can do with them and they are getting pretty bored. Our outdoor arena is way
too soggy, and with these high winds every one of them would be flying higher
than a kite on the longe line anyway. So, they stand around and eat hay. The
dogs and cats won’t even lift their heads when I go out to feed at 5 a.m. Too
cold and dark!
Our lessons with Judy are going really well. Both JP and I
love her approach, and most importantly, we all are progressing in a positive
way. Saumur is happy and relaxed as can be, I have a hard time believing that
yes, we can work in the big arena with all the windows, and NOT be worried!
Remy, the feisty one, is improving his manners. And it looks like JP and Chambord will soon
eclipse us J.
So, the moving date has been set for Saumur and Remy: November 10 it is.
Chambord and Teddy will stay home, with JP trailering Chambord for twice weekly
lessons. And then over the winter one of my boys will get a week vacation at
home while Chambord comes to Judy’s. Juggling so we won’t break the bank!
In the big scheme of things it’s a good thing that my second
week at George’s didn’t work out (see note about the bank above). At first I
was pretty disappointed (George switched barns and there is no room for ‘temporary’
students at the new place right now), but it also means I can focus on working
with Judy. In addition, I will see Karen Robinson, the freestyle designer, on
Friday to get started with Saumur’s freestyle.
Unfortunately the freestyle clinic was full, but it shouldn’t
be a problem to work with Karen remotely. Judy will also work on her freestyle,
so we can have fun with this. I am thinking “James Bond” for music. It fits
because Saumur is quite the Ladies’ Man and also a tormented soul (as is Bond
in Skyfall). And, minor detail: Thinking of Daniel Craig will certainly help me
re-focus my show nerves J