Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Checking into other horse sports - and finding a great quote

Tis' the season - for foxhunting. I had a ton of fun riding to hounds in Germany. No fox ever got killed, as all hunts are drag hunts where the dogs follow the scent of a line laid be the huntsman before.

Reminiscing with our farrier the other day he told me that he goes out sometimes with the Metamora Hunt. It would be perfect starting in the 2nd field (no jumping). While checking more into this and  an instructor that could prepare us for it I went to Fair Play Farm's website and read this quote that just fits so perfectly:

"There's no better place than a stable, I've found. It's the only place with solid footing. When I'm standing beside a horse, I feel that I'm neither girl or boy; child or adult; strong or weak. I'm accepted just as I am. And there, and only there, I can breathe."

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