Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Earning the cookie - and a new job for Little Man

While working with Remy Judy’s comment “he has to earn his walk break” came to my mind. I thought about how liberal I am with treats and praise. And a lot of times I am guilty of giving in too soon, rewarding a half-hearted try. That does not teach the horse much. Rewards are only meaningful if they are issued after a job well done. Too much praise, and it doesn’t mean much anymore – or horses (and people!) might get complacent and not try as hard, because a reward is doled out anyway. On the other hand, not rewarding good efforts is de-motivating.

My focus with Remy recently has been getting him better on the aids, expecting the requested response right away. That starts at the warm up on the longe line.  When I ask him to do any of the frequent transitions, I want the response to be almost instant – and not “hmm, maybe… I’ll think about it”. Especially with a horse that tests his boundaries it is important to stay consistent and focused. Obviously, I don’t want him to lose the joy of working, but I think with clear boundaries he is happier – as long as I’m still handing over the cookie!

Little Man (aka Teddy the pony) needs a job and more exercise. So, we decided to get a pony cart and harness. Granted, neither JP nor I (or Little Man for that matter) have much of an idea what we are about to set off to do, so stay tuned.  Fortunately, there seems to be quite a choice of used carts and harnesses out there. I’ll keep my body protecting vest and helmet handy … just in case the pony decides to go on a joy ride without passengers!

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