Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fence celebration (baptism?) - and a freestyle on my bucket list

Our new fences look spectacular, if I may say so. A little piece of Kentucky in Michigan. To celebrate the completion of the project we invited friends and neighbors to a "Fence Celebration Get-Together". We had full house and a great time. Thanks to Josef, the wonderful German baker, we were able to introduce our American friends to seasonal German food: Zwiebelkuchen (Onion Cake) and Zwetschgenkuchen (Plum Cake), in addition to 'free-flowing' French wine and German beer. Luckily, we didn't have to beg anybody to eat the unfamiliar foods!

The weather was true Michigan: The heavens opened and we had heavy rain all day. Looking for the bright side, somebody remarked "Now your fences are even baptized!"  In that case: Great!

Now that the fences are completed - off to the next project. I contacted Karen Robinson, the freestyle designer, telling her I have a freestyle on my bucket list! After many starts and no completion I decided it's now or never. The MDA freestyle clinic in November is full, I am on a waitlist. Even without the clinic we can get it done by working remotely, getting started once we move to Judy's for the winter. So, now my head is already spinning with music ideas. Of course, what I think might fit is purely on an emotional level, and has nothing to do with beats per minute. James Bond came to mind...

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