Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter! - And a rather bleak forecast when it comes to riding time

Happy Easter! Remy is enjoying his time off goofing around with Chambord. He is sleeping well, judging from the 'breading' of shavings he sported this morning.

I'm trying to grapple with my schedule for the month, and not liking the lack of riding time at all. Next Sunday I'm heading to France for meetings, then onto a meeting in Germany, followed by the weekend with my parents. Back to the US on the 6 a.m. flight Monday morning. A few days in the office, and we head to Rolex. OK, that's for fun! 91 entries this year, and the top rider from Germany to boot. Watching Michael Jung is pretty inspiring, and not just because we speak the same dialect!

Back from Rolex and onto Mexico the next day. Nope, not to lay on the beach. More meetings with a customer trying to press out money for the pleasure of doing business with them. And for that I travel from Detroit to Mexico City, to Veracruz, to Orizaba. If I'm lucky and no flight gets canceled I'll be back home just in time to ride with Jan.

Not exactly a swell idea to sign up to ride with a demanding Olympian after weeks of no riding, I know...

Ah, I think that calls for the 'kill' of another chocolate bunny, my endorphins need a serious boost!

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