Friday, April 3, 2015

The coach has tires again - and an early present from the Easter Bunny

Well, the coach is rolling again - meaning the manufacturer sent five funkelnagelneue tires of the right kind (radial!) to the dealer. JP made another four hour round trip, and voila - we do have the trailer back. Despite assurances all around that now everything is perfect my faith in it is still pretty shaky. First thing before picking up the trailer was signing up for USRider, a roadside assistance program that dispatches aid (hopefully!) if we run into trouble.

JP took Chambord on the maiden voyage to Topline, just in time to ride during my lesson with Maryal. I wasn't sure what to expect as Remy had the first part of his Spring Shots yesterday. This time the vaccine didn't seem to cause any negative reaction, so we threw ourselves into the action.

Remy was right on, he felt pretty awesome. Maryal helped us to improve the counter canter by reminding me that I need to keep the correct bend. Note to self: When doing the loop, don't go into the corners. Maryal's recommendation to think about 'gliding' when doing the shoulder in really helped. Our walk-canter transitions were much better (no skipping to the right), and the medium canter felt like flying. I said to Maryal I was expecting a jump at the end of the long side. We worked on transitions within the gaits and finished with nice trot-half passes.

Several times during the lesson Maryal exclaimed: "Your ride makes my heart happy!" I guess the Easter Bunny came early for me this year :-)!

Still, I wonder, would it be too much to ask to come back with some chocolate eggs??

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