Wednesday, April 22, 2015

One of us enjoys his vacation - the other one crosses the pond

Back after nine non-riding days in Europe. Meetings in France followed by F&F (friends & family) time in Germany. The trip went well, the French air traffic controllers decided not to strike, which I greatly appreciated.

Dinner with about 50 men in Lyon, lights are dimmed, waiter presents me with a dessert that has sparklers on it. People clap. Wait – it’s not my birthday! Up comes the ‘instigator’ (one of the division directors, interestingly also named Remi) and says that they all appreciated me being at the strategy session as the only woman, and they wanted to thank me for attending. Well, that just made the entire trip worthwhile!

Off to Germany, last plane landing in Stuttgart at night. Suitcase made it and Ingrid is standing by. Nothing like being welcomed by one of your best friends when you are utterly exhausted. Next day: Trip to Loesdau (a MUST), with parents. Find great Cavallo show pants, decorated with crystals. Nothing like a bit of bling (usually so not my style, but those look great). Cashier looks up my frequent buyer number, sees the US address, and compliments me on my “perfect German”. 

On to visit Stephanie, almost more sister than friend. There is never enough time, but we make the best of it. And.. she presents me with “Chocolate Remy”! He will be my travel companion back to the States.

Sunday: Lovely day trip into the Schwarzwald*, with parents and Ingrid. I LOVE the Schwarzwald! Picture myself galloping on logging trails, traversing the pine forest where the light has a hard time penetrating through the dense trees (hence the name Schwarz -Black- Wald -Forest-).

Monday, 6 a.m.: Flight to DTW via AMS. Happy to be home!!

Remy had the week off playing with his friends. First ride back yesterday left me pretty much frustrated at my inability to quickly pick up where we left off. Remy filled in the blanks for me (thanks, buddy) and despite howling winds violently attacking the roof and walls of the barn he did a lovely job.

I guess “Chocolate Remy” is a good role model (so no way I could eat him)!

*The Black Forest (GermanSchwarzwald),is a great, forested mountain range in the state of Baden-Württemberg in southwestern Germany. It is bounded by the Rhine valley to the west and south.

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