Thursday, October 6, 2016

And the roller coaster ride continues - Highlights and low points

You could also say when it rains it pours. Still grieving for Max, then Teddy, the pony, had a worry-some colic episode (he's fine now), and to top it off my boss called yesterday to tell me I now report to a guy that is way less qualified and experienced than I am... but he's a guy and he's younger. What does that tell you?? Time to explore.

On the bright side, Jaas seems to slowly come out of her grief. She is eating again and overall more active. The boys are doing all well. My lessons with Remy are becoming the highlights. Judy made my day when she texted me that I'm doing well (after I questioned if I ride him well enough so she doesn't have to 'fix' my mistakes) and that our lessons are fun.

And JP of course does his darndest to keep our rides interesting - last time he lead us into a bog "oh, let's try a new trail". Luckily the boys kept their wits about them and their legs under them and got us out without pulling a tendon. Uff!

Tonight I'm flying to Europe. They highlight will be the weekend: Ingrid is joining me in Frankfurt and we travel together to Porto to spend the weekend exploring the city. The following week will be probably be the low point of the trip - meetings made even more 'fun' by the above mentioned changes. Oh well, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

Right when I get back I have a lesson with Jan to look forward to. Nothing like that to take your mind off anything else. You either focus or sweat it all out :-).

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