Sunday, October 2, 2016

"With a little help from my friends" - Sadness lifts a bit

Friday night I hit a low point. It had been a stressful week at work and I was looking forward to  dinner at our favorite restaurant. Alas, we made the plans without one of the presidential candidates: He decided to campaign in Novi that evening, which meant that all freeways in the area were shut down. What can I say: No go. Three hours in the car, and I ended up dead tired, sad (missing Max) and sans dinner (too exhausted to eat) in bed.

Saturday we took the boys on a trailride, and that was an instant mood booster. Nothing like enjoying the quietness of the woods with my three favorite guys. It's almost like Remy senses my sadness, he's been even more sweet and cuddly than usual. JP tempted me to eat with a vegetarian Indian dinner, and we had a relaxed evening at home.

I got lost in a book (again), this time "Circling the Sun" by Paula McLain. It is a fascinating read, the life story of race horse trainer and aviator Beryl Markham. Beryl was an incredible strong and complex woman growing up in Africa in the 1920s.

Today we had another beautiful trailride, and I'm finally feeling less 'blue'. When I say "With a little help from my friends" I mean way more than "a little help", it takes a village: JP, the boys, the few close friends that are there for me whenever I need them, my books, Jaas, and the cats.

Stephanie, this one is for you:

Scheint Dir auch mal das Leben rauh
Sei still und zage nicht,
Die Zeit, die alte Buegelfrau,
Macht alles wieder schlicht.
(Wilhelm Busch)

If life sometimes seems rough, be quiet and don't despair. Time will eventually iron things out.
I do hope Wilhelm is right!

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