Sunday, October 16, 2016

From 0 to 100 in no time - and "just like a garden hose"

Ah, nothing like a good challenge: A lesson with a demanding Olympian after a whopping 15 minutes of riding in 9 days. And sure enough, Jan had us going from 0 to 100 in no time. It wasn't the best of days today, weather-wise. Warm and raining, which means I had to fight for every breath in the arena, even with my mask on.

Well, the good news is that I have better control of my shoulders. Bad news, I still don't have consistent contact with my right hand, meaning I give and take to much. When Remy doesn't go forward enough I give, and then he has nothing to go towards to.

Jan compared it with a garden hose, if you have it on full power and let go in front it will wiggle all over. If you have it turned on but keep a hold of the front you can control the movement. Yep, made perfect sense - of course!

I was happy with our ride. Remy kept his focus and worked his little butt off ... and quite frankly, so did I. Good thing we went to Dimitri's for breakfast this morning, my Spinach Omelet kept me going.

Remy wasn't worse for wear - he was off galloping with Chambord as soon as he came home. JP and I hopped into the sauna and afterwards replenished the lost fluids with champagne and we all agreed: Life is good :-)!

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