Different things appeal to different people. Case in point: This week we took Chambord and Remy to a training session at Brandt's. Chambord needed a refresher on canter over all kinds of different terrain, and Remy still has his "equine claustrophobia" to deal with. I was so happy to see how well all my boys (that includes JP) worked. JP and Chambord had the best walk-canter departs ever, and it was so neat to see them canter around, mane flying (Chambord's, JP is a bit short in the mane department).
Brandt took Remy and rode him in between his herd of about 12 horses. Remy's worst nightmare - other horses, close up and personal. But after a short period he got the hang of it and was clearly proud of himself when he got to herd the group of horses around.
Show season is in full swing now and I am getting a bit tired of seemingly having to defend my decision of currently not showing. It does make me quite crabby when I get condescending remarks implicating there is something wrong with me/us. The simple truth is I haven't got my show mojo back yet, and also I'd like to do a good job - and having only 50% of steady changes (they are good to the left, hit and miss to the right) does not cut it for me.
It is very rewarding to me to see the progress in our training, every ride we can build on the previous one, and both Remy (I hope) and I are having fun and feel good about the progress. The collection is getting better and it's so neat to feel Remy 'compact' with very light aids. Judy had a very good comparison, she said Remy should feel like an airplane taking off: Light front, engine pushing from behind. Very cool. Note to Remy: No, that does NOT mean like a rocket, you still have to stay on the earth!
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