Thursday was my last day of work. It was quite emotional and touching. I am very happy that I am leaving on a high note, meaning I am leaving in a very positive way. Ironic, though, that my job is being divided between two men, and some of my duties go to a third one.
No time to dwell too much - Saturday was the orientation and on-boarding for the volunteers for Detroit Horse Power ( DHP organizes summer camps for inner city youth, teaching life and leadership skills with the help of horses. I was quite impressed how well this non-profit is organized and I do look forward to working with the kids this summer.
Hmm, not long after listening to the owner of the stable that hosts the summer camps about safety around horses I got a sharp reminder that I am not careful enough. JP had an issue with the zero-turn mower breaking down in the pasture, leaking fuel, so I tried to move the horses to a different pasture. That startled Teddy, and yikes, those tiny pony hooves hurt! He got my ankle and the top of my foot. Luckily nothing is broken and ice, Arnica cream and Back on Track ankle brace helped a lot.
Now I am looking forward to my first week of freedom: Monday - trailride, Tuesday - working at Brandt's, Wednesday through Saturday - Dressage.
I picture Remy pouring over "Help Wanted" ads, trying to get me out of his hair and back into an office. Note to Remy: Careful what you wish for, remember Aunt Jude is much more demanding than I am!
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