Sunday, June 11, 2017

He got is knickers in a twist - getting an early start on a Sunday

With a weather forecast of 95F today we decided to get an early start on riding. The boys enjoyed breakfast 'in bed', and then Saumur and Teddy got to go out while JP and I prepared Chambord and Remy. Chambord was not amused, clearly, he felt that this violated his contract. Didn't we know it was Sunday??

Remy was his usually cheerful, albeit somewhat sleepy self. Chambord really got his knickers in a twist when JP got into the saddle. He wouldn't stay still, hopped up and was just cranky overall. Picture making a teenager get up at 7 a.m. on a Sunday. JP hopped off, and I resorted back to the tried and true ground work: Yielding the hindquarters, backing up, etc. When JP got back on Chambord had understood the message: Pouting is not getting you out of it.

We set off into the woods and had a wonderful trailride. We all enjoyed the almost bug-free peace and quiet. So, Chambord, no need to get your knickers in a twist*. Getting up early was well worth it! And if not, well, then we'll just get you a new pair!

get one's knickers in a twist
  1. (idiomatic) To become overwrought or unnecessarily upset over a trivial matter.

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