The boys and I went to Brandt's yesterday for some riding fun in the sun. JP and Chambord were clearly the stars of the day! After some reluctance on Chambord's part - "I really don't want to" - they conquered a hollow sounding metal bridge over a rivulet. Then on into the pond they went. That's Chambord's favorite, so he has no problem splashing lavishly. Brandt asked JP to have Chambord canter out of the pond, and they managed that really well also. So what's better than having a great ride? Watching your husband and his best buddy having a blast!
Remy was much better working in between the herd but then had an unexpected melt down when I tried to give a whip to Brandt. He wanted to use it to move the horses around, not to punish Remy, and anyway, other than some light taps Remy never has experienced a strong whip. So where did this come from? No idea! Perhaps he didn't like my look with sun glasses and baseball cap, it might have hurt his fashion sense.
In this heat it is hard wearing a helmet, I do understand. But still, it bothers me tremendously when I see people ride without 'brain-buckets'. What's a bit of sweat compared to TBI (traumatic brain injury) or worse??
Speaking of safety: My neighbor, Gabriele, just cracked me up yesterday. She told me about a call she had from a company trying to sell her a home security system. Her response to the sales guy: "I don't need no stinking security system, I've got a twelve gauge shotgun and if that doesn't do it a collection of sharp hunting knives!". Gabriele is in her seventies, German, and as spunky as they come. Hmm, watch out people, that could be me some years down the road!
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