No time to get bored: On Friday JP and I picked up 60 bales of Hay that Minde donated to Horses Haven (an equine rescue organization in Howell) for the horses at the Detroit Horse Power camps. Horses Haven had volunteered four of their residents to the DHP summer program. We packed the hay into our trailer and delivered it to Horses Haven, where a nice volunteer helped us unload and stack.
Another helpful volunteer offered to show us around, and we met two Morgans: Pete, a 33 (!) year old veteran of "Been there done that" and Ebony, a pretty but quite defensive black mare. Good thing our barn is full, because Horses Haven has about 68 resident horses, donkeys, miniature horses, and mules. Quite frankly, we were surprised how well everything looked, neat, clean and well taken care of. That is not easy for such a large farm managed primarily with volunteers.
Saturday we attended a Barn Fire Safety Seminar that was given by two fire chiefs. It was super informative and I took copious notes for an article for the Morgan Dressage Association. I will also post a summary on this blog. Basically, we learned you cannot stop a barn fire once it's started - the only thing you can do is trying to prevent it!
Sunday I met Glenda at the White Horse Inn for a lovely brunch and then we went to audit the Bettina Drummond clinic. I had ridden in one clinic with her about 15 years ago with Saumur, and after she had called him a "cart horse" and wondered why -as a German- I didn't have a "more suitable horse" I was not too enchanted with her. However, quite a few serious horse people I respect swear by her, so it was time to re-visit. I have to say I really liked what I saw. Glenda, being the more academic of the two of us, also was very much taken by Bettina's teachings. Perhaps I will one day screw up the courage to show up with Remy at one of her clinics, as I think she is great with the riders position and the aids. Remy is by no means "cart horse" (neither is Saumur!) but he is not her favorite breed either (Lusitano). So, we'll see.
Today I've got unexpected time off because the thunderstorms and heavy rains curtailed the camp activities. I might even have to cancel my lesson with Judy today as I don't want to take unnecessary risks trailering. Bummer.
On the bright side, it gives me time to go dishwasher shopping - ours broke a couple of weeks ago and while JP has been taken on the "dish duties" I think it's time to put a professional in charge again - no offense, JP!
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