Friday, August 18, 2017

A horse riding a horse - and a surprising young man

On our way back from the beautiful outdoor wedding we stopped at Glenda's to see her new indoor arena. "Wow" is basically what both JP and I were saying at the same time. Glenda combined the old stable with the state of the art indoor in such as way that it is beautiful and functional but not ostentatious. Ah, all I want for Christmas...

This week at Detroit Horse Power we had another very interesting and inspiring group of 17 and 18 year old students. During James' lesson I talked about horses and leadership, and explained that horses are looking for a firm but gentle leader they can respect. In the wild it is an experienced female, the Alpha Mare, leading the herd. The males are way too busy listening to their hormones to decide where to eat, drink, rest, or take flight from predators. Thus the Alpha Mare provides the trusted leadership. James looked at me and said very seriously that he also believes that women are often the better leaders. He just made my day: There is hope!!

Detroit Horse Power also had the visit from Hooper, the Piston's mascot, this week. We gave Hooper a DHP T-Shirt to wear and he changed his silks.  That was fun, and I was very impressed that the horses didn't spook, not even when he climbed on to ride. After all it was a horse riding a horse!

Hooper and Appy hit it off
Minde and I had fun hanging out with Hooper

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