Remy had a varied program this week, lunging sessions in our outdoor arena, trailrides, and plenty of playtime.
Especially the first longing session turned out the be quite the nail biter: Remy was starting all ho-hum but suddenly went into his best rodeo bronc imitation "YeeHah!". He pulled so hard (I had him in a longing cavesson, no bit) that I let go of the longe rein. Well, that was quite the sight: Remy hightailing all around the arena, kicking and bucking, probably wondering why this line was chasing him. Good thing our arena is enclosed by four-board fencing. Remy calmed down and we continued as if nothing had happened.
So after a week off today it was time to get back to work. Judy is at Lamplight at the National Championships right now: Congratulations, Judy!! She won the Reserve National Championship for 5 year old horses on Quintee, and her student, Isabel, is the National Champion Junior Rider. Super results!!
Roz came today to help some of Judy's students and Remy and I had a very good lesson. Roz' approach is not that different from Judy, but she has complementary exercises and explanations that work really well for us. Low and behold, we managed clean changes each way!! All this while staying relaxed - No wonder the tail started wagging again :-)
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