My latest read is "Tame That Lizard Brain - Brain Training for Riders" by Andrea Monserrat Waldo. I am about half-way through and I do really like the information and exercises very much. Once I am done reading and I've had some time practicing I will do a book review for the MDA newsletter and also post it on the blog. What I like a lot already is that the author give very down to earth background information, advice and exercises. She asks the right questions, and gives working (!) strategies on issues from show nerves to dealing with the aftermaths of accidents (i.e. "Psychological Injury is a Real Injury").
My current exercise is after every ride to write down three things that went well. Luckily this week I didn't have to wreck my brain to come up with the positive points. Even though I had been already tired every day by the time I climbed on Remy, we managed positive rides. The tiredness stems from my mornings at DHP, walking and trotting next to the students while teaching in the sun is not exactly 'a walk in the park'. It is fun, and the kids are awesome. I do feel for the horses, though, and while staff and volunteers are trying their best, it is a fact that the horses are no Spring-Chickens. Having kids bounce on their backs in saddles that not always fit right makes me cringe. I am also concerned because there seems to be more illness going around, and the last thing I want is to bring an infection home again.
Back to my lessons, all week Remy and I have been able to stay calm and focused, and getting consistent work. While our changes (mine!) are still a work in progress, the canter is getting better and better, and without good canter we won't have good changes. The three of us (Judy, Remy and I) were happy after yesterday's lesson and I proclaimed laughingly to Judy "You may leave now!".
(Judy and the Topline team are at the Majestic show this weekend, while JP and I are off to Cadillac for Ryan's and Megan's wedding).
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