My lesson today started out well, Remy was nicely on the aids and Judy was happy with my position. Yay! I had planned to focus on the changes, so we could finish on a good note before Judy left.
Alas, it wasn't meant to be. Just as I was getting the canter going another rider (who I basically just 10 minutes earlier had told that Remy gets worried when other horses come too close) got in the arena and started cantering without any regard of what we were doing. There went our focus - mostly mine. It was pretty much a disaster and I left the arena with the tail between my legs.
It got me to thinking - once again - that why do it if I don't have fun?? Glenda is proof on how happy you are when you live according to "If it's not fun I won't do it". Obviously, I am not getting any better, the fun sure left the arena today, and consequently it wasn't exactly a good experience for Remy, either.
At least we have the trails and I am looking forward to nice relaxing trail rides. I need to take the pressure off myself. One step at a time, or perhaps better: One hoof in front of the other.
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