Monday, May 4, 2020

Happy Birthday - and he's no horse for a Sonntagsreiter

Remy's birthday was on May 1st, also a holiday in Europe (May Day = Labor Day). Remy certainly 'celebrates' his birthday/labor day in fashion: With some well-timed airs above the ground. Note to my surprised self: "You do have a decent seat!"
Happy Birthday, Remy! 
Remy came back from our stint in Florida fit as a fiddle, which means fairly leisurely trail rides only go so far for him. What's a guy to do with all that energy?? He waits for an occasion to let off some steam. And help is never far: First it was a turkey vulture on a nearby tree, then the wind picked up and the trees along the trails sounded like they were moaning, and all this helped by rustling critters in the under-brush. The good news is that Remy's scoots and bucks are (or at least were) fairly easy to sit, and he doesn't say "I'm outta here" and bolt. But he's definitely not a horse for a "Sonntagsreiter*".

Now that our outdoor arena is finally drying out again we can add long reining to the program, and that definitely helps a lot with burning off excess energy, reminders that an outside rein DOES have a purpose, and in general being supple and bending is not a bad idea. Our back to work date will be the week of May 18, but we sweeten the deal with a playdate at Brandt's right before.

While not my birthday I received a gift, nevertheless: A Covid-19 care parcel from Stephanie. She just knows exactly what I need and what makes me happy -  currently disinfectant, Lindt Piemonte, and St-Georg. Disinfectant is still hard to come by in our stores, and the two other items are not available in the US. Now the question is "To share or not to share??" - No problem sharing the disinfectant with JP, but the decision about the chocolates is considerably tougher ;-)

"Wohl dem der solche Freunde hat!" (Sentenz - "Blessed is the one that has such friends") 

*Sonntagsreiter = lit. Sunday Rider (someone that only rides on Sunday, mostly going for a leisurely stroll)

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