Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Still on hiatus - and once again "Quo Vadis?"

Remy is still on hiatus from dressage work - or actually, work. The weather has been typically for Michigan, sun one day, snow the next. Our arena is in dire need for leveling and new footing, but of course, everything is still more or less on hold. So, aside from longing, long reining, and trail rides not much going on. The boys don't mind it, of course, they are perfectly happy.

"How about a cookie or two??"
The next big issue is where to go for our lessons? Hence the "quo vadis?" It doesn't seem that the place where we were before Florida is working out. I stopped there today, and received quite the glacial welcome. That aside, though, the footing in the indoor arena is IMO not safe, it's hard and -like someone half-joked- "we call it the rollercoaster".

Michigan lacks a lot of things when it comes to riding, such as stables with great care, good footing, and ample turnout. There are only a handful of good dressage instructors, the same goes for saddle fitters, and other professionals. It's frustrating, to say the least.

And yes, I am VERY fortunate that we are healthy, and able the enjoy nature - but still... And now having to try and find -again- a place to train is not helping. I know, I'm complaining at a very high level, so pass another Pilsner Urquell, please (Taco and beer night at home), and I'll let it go - for now.

I think the current Covid-19 situation is catching up with me and I'm getting depressed. Sunday was Mothers Day, neither my flowers nor my card made it in time. It was also the one year anniversary of Emil's funeral. I do miss our weekly calls. While I'm not very busy right now, my mind sure is.

Luckily I have a lot of client appointments booked starting May 15 (when the stay-at-home order expires). Busy is good! I'll will take plenty of precautions, like taking my "Covid-19 Kit", and of course I only see clients that also adhere to a strict protocol, even if that means getting up at 6 a.m. Sunday morning to be at my first appointment at 8:00 a.m.: less people at the barn.

My constant companion to client appointments - my Covid-19 Kit

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