Monday, May 25, 2020

Work and warm weather, the breakfast server wears PJs - and great food for thought

Remy's 'training life' resumed last Wednesday, starting on day 1 with a long-lining session, day 2 and 3 dressage lessons, and then off on the trails we went. Quite the difference in his attitude. Between the warm weather (Michigan seems to go from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds) and the more structured work made Remy a happier camper. I was ready for some 'opinions' during our lessons, after all, he's had two months off. But Remy took to it like he hadn't had a break at all. Whew!

In Florida we noticed that Remy was a bit unsteady in the contact, so we swapped his NS Turtle Tactio loose ring bit with a NS TranzLozenge Eggbutt. He definitely takes a steadier contact in this one, so.. sold! Now it's on to the double bridle (currently equipped with HS bits), we've got the NS bradoon, but all those choices for the Weymouth: Slimma, Thoroughbred, Transform...?? Always on the hunt for the 'holy grail' it seems.

Tomorrow we take both boys to Brandt's for a play date. It's been a while since we've been there, and Brandt has added many more obstacles and fun things so it will be interesting to see how the boys react. It is supposed to be hot, so going into the pond is definitely part of the program.

I am warming up like a lizard in the sun and am finally brave enough to move my polar fleece to the back of the closet and bring my summer clothes out. The boys' breakfast server this morning was wearing PJs - it's nice to make a run to the barn without having to bundle up!

I've been following Vincent Flores' FB postings for a while now. No, I'm not stalking another handsome French guy! (I do have my hands full with the one I have, thank you very much). This is purely professional :-) Vincent Flores Dressage. Vincent's posts really hit the nail on the head. I do have clients that are fretting that shows are canceled/postponed, and how to get their scores and medals. And yes, I sometimes also feel a bit 'left behind' because we haven't shown much and therefore perhaps not "demonstrated our worth"?

So here is an excerpt from Vincent's latest post:

"..It doesn't matter what external circumstances happen to us. Who we are is not determined by anything external. We are not defined by the medals we are earning or by the frequency and number of shows we are participating in. The same is true for our horses.
Similarly I am not determined by how much clients I have, how much money I make or don't make, and what people say about me or don't say about me. Who I am is determined by the decisions I make, by my motivation to keep progressing in the sport and developing my horses and clients' skills.
Your identity is how you see yourself. Not defined by how many shows you may have won if this pandemic hadn't happened. So if you're having trouble imagining your future self in these trouble times, I assume it is because you are defining yourself by circumstances determined by our external world..." 
Vincent Flores Dressage LLC (

Amen to that!

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