Wednesday, May 13, 2020

"OMG, what are these??" - and it's all in the eye of the beholder

Luckily yesterday's funk didn't last that long. How could one be grumpy when seeing this face in the morning?
"What, it's already time to get up??"
After breakfast it was time for Ziggy's first 'constitutional*'. On our way to the trail we came across friends that had wintered in Colorado. It was nice to catch up - raised voices and all (keeping the distance). At least as long as Ziggy's patience lasted ("let's hit the road, lady!").  

Once Ziggy had his fill it was Chambord's and Remy's turn. They marched right along, but not without trying to catch some snacks along the way. All that lush greenery is just sooo very tempting. They know the trail so well that any change is viewed with great interest - or in Chambord's case - with a dead stop. While Chambord is a super trail horse and very brave, his nemesis are rocks and boulders. When we first got him he would stop dead in his tracks, refusing to budge at the sight of a particularly large or light colored boulder. It has gotten way better over time, but today a new arrangement by the park had Chambord flustered "OMG, these things are new - what are those??"  Remy had to be the brave one and lead the way - all was well again. 

On the homestretch a garter snake slid right in front of the boys' across the road. You'd think they would be startled. Neither one even batted so much as an eye. Never mind, what's a snake compared to scary rocks?? I guess something could lure behind the rocks, while garter snakes are pretty and harmless (they are non-venomous). As they say: It's all in the eye of the beholder!

Michigan garter snake - harmless and pretty

*The New Oxford American Dictionary has for constitutional : noun (dated): a walk, typically one taken regularly to maintain or restore good health. Regarding etymology, constitution means “a person's physical state with regard to vitality, health, and strength”, so the constitutional comes from its supposed benefits to the health.

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