When you are with a horse for a long time, you are like an old couple. You know him so well that any minor change is very noticeable. Last night Saumur's back just didn't feel right. Nothing major, just a 'kink'. It was noticeable in the walk and rising trot, better in the sitting trot. I jumped off and put him on the longe line to take a look. As I couldn't see anything noticeable I asked for the expert opinion of Amy, Megan and JP. They confirmed that nothing seemed amiss.
So, what now?? I already made an appointment with Luanne, the saddle fitter, even though I don't feel anything major out of balance there. Saumur just had last week Dr. Weaver (the chiropractor) work on him. Either he slipped on the ice/mud or my other suspicion might be right: A dirty sheath. Yes, the issue not many people like to deal with. Last year we needed the vet for an 'emergency cleaning', and his back last night felt similar to that issue.
Hmm, that always brings back a VERY embarrassing moment at work: Years ago I called my vet's office to get some tips on how to go about this (I only had mares until Saumur). As I am great at multi-tasking I had the phone on speaker while doing something else. All of a sudden I hear the loud voice of the vets ancient assistant blare through the office "Oh, honey, he's just like a guy: All you need are warm hands and lots of lubricant!". Needless to say, my face was beet red for a very long time that day.
So, I'd rather have Saumur tell me what the issue is - and hope he only whispers the request for warm hands :-)!
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