This is blog number 102, and so far the blog was accessed over 1400 times.
I have so much fun writing it, and I find it extremely satisfying to chronicle the daily life with our horses. It truly gives me joy. I wish I could write for a living! The articles I wrote about my journey with Saumur got published in the USDF connection, the USDF yearbook, and newsletters of the Midwest Dressage Organization and Morgan Dressage Organization. Pretty cool, but unfortunately not exactly a living. The "starving artist" road is clearly not an option considering all the mouths to feed, backs to dress, shoes to buy... All three had 'pedicures' yesterday, Saumur needs another turnout, Remy could use a different sweat sheet, Chambord is on bute due to a sore foot... the list goes on, and not to mention board, lessons, and all the groceries. I better stick to my day job!
This week I feel so fortunate being off work and therefore able to really take my time with the boys at the barn. It sure is a difference driving there without haste, working with them during daylight hours, as opposed to rushing after work in the cold and dark. A lot of years till retirement... but only four months till Spring!
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