Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hairy issues and decisions

It is winter in Michigan, all right. Judging from Saumur's hair growth it will be a hard one. He looks like the woolly mammoth - seems that growing up in Northern Michigan will set you for life. Every year I ponder the same things: When is the right time for a hair cut? How much to take off? And then all the hassles with the blankets, he shouldn't be too hot, nor too cold... Nature did a good job with 'built in climate control'. When we as humans mess with it it's usually not that easy. The problem with working horses is that the heavy coat makes it difficult to cool them out after work, and as somebody so aptly put it: would you want to do a Zumba class in your winter coat?

So, as soon as I get back from Europe that French Stylist (aka JP) will be called into action. JP has been doing a great job trace clipping Saumur, and actually Saumur loves it. With all the issues Saumur has, you'd think clipping would be a big deal, but from the beginning Saumur enjoyed it. It must be JP's magic touch!

Chambord, OTOH, has the finest hair I've ever seen on a horse. He must think we'll move to Florida. Perhaps he can read my wishes?? As a 'true blonde' (Palomino) his hair is very fine. He will get to sport his snazzy winter coat very soon. With Remy we'll have to see, I don't plan to work him too hard this winter, so he can keep his pretty hair. Nevertheless, he also got a nice winter coat for those really pesky days.

I've been moving coats and blankets around today - and realized I could have bought myself a great designer coat (or two) for what the boys will wear to tear up during play time.

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