Nope, no big resolutions that won't get carried through anyway. But thoughts about the next year, and setting goals for the work with the boys.
I was rather surprised when at a Christmas Eve party with mostly horse people several women could tell how many days till the first show of the season. Really? The thought of counting days hadn't crossed my mind, I'm more concerned on how to get through the Michigan winter without freezing solid onto a horse. Actually, for me, the danger is more falling off the horse. When the temps drop too far, my blood pressure seems to drop accordingly and I had to have several 'emergency dismounts'. So... show season..
Sandy and I talked about looking at the dates, I have to do it soon so I can hopefully avoid too many clashes with my travel schedule for work. Especially the shows farther away, i.e. Ohio and Kentucky, are more problematic due to the time involved. OK, goals -- for me: "Black and White", no grey zone while riding. Sandy has been on my case quite a bit lately (rightfully so) because I am not quick and assertive enough, and I tend to wait too long before making corrections. As an example, when Saumur is running through my half halts, and I think I'll fix it 'eventually'. Obviously, I am not doing us any favors and it certainly won't give us good scores. I think technically Saumur and I will be ready for 4th level, it's the mind that needs to get with the program.
That of course also applies to my work with Remy, if I am consistent with "Black and White", our work together will be much clearer. With him the focus will be on the basics, good consistent connection, straightness. I am also planning to take him to places to he gets exposed to several things. Hopefully there will be another Young Horse Clinic in the Spring at Lost World Farm, I'd love to take him there because it also includes free jumping.
And then there are JP and Chambord... these two I gladly turn over to Sandy for goal setting. Hmm, come to think of ... the "Black and White" rule could certainly improve life with either of them. A quick half-halt when he is running through my aids might do wonders (and I am not only talking about Chambord) :)
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