After getting over a bit of a 'heavy head' this morning, JP and I made our now daily trek to Southview Farm. Lots of activity, everybody seemed to have had the same (great) idea: starting the New Year with the horses. What better way is there, anyway? (Note for horse people: This is strictly a rhetorical question).
It was quite a challenging scenario for Saumur and me: the wind was howling around the barn, rain and icicles pelting on the roof, doors being rattled by the heavy wind - and several people riding at the same time. Sandy had to remind me several times to "stay in the bubble", meaning focusing on our work, and not letting distractions penetrate the bubble. It was a good day to focus on precision and the basics, with a valuable exercise of trot - halt before each corner (remembering to 'stand him up' through inside leg to outside hand) then trot off again in balance. If Saumur blew through the halt: reinback, then trot (without walk in between). Smart guy that he his he figured it out quickly, and basically half-halted himself before each corner. Throughout this we both were able to keep our attention, a big accomplishment for both of us. Actually, that is as important (or even more) as doing the 'fancy stuff', i.e. a series of changes. If Saumur is not on the aids and blowing through the half-halts then the changes, especially a series of it, will end with a run-away freight train (albeit a beautiful one!).
JP and Chambord followed with a good lesson, as Kathy put it: "the horse shortened his frame during the work". These two have a much easier time staying in the bubble, actually they are in their own world a lot of times anyway... and Chambord gets more rattled thinking about food than any commotion in the arena or howling winds.
I was really tickled with Remy today, he longed beautifully, didn't mind other horses around him, or the above mentioned weather conditions. I got on and did the box exercise in the walk. Remy just got introduced to this recently, and he figured it out right away. We had a very nice even contact in the reins, and a good connection. Not wanting to push my luck with the weather deteriorating I decided to stop on a good note.
So, all five of us are off to a good start into the New Year! Now all I have to do is stay in my bubble for the remaining 364 days...
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