10F this morning: definitely NOT conducive to riding. We still headed to the barn, and plucked the boys out of their fields. I decided it would be a good day to refresh Remy's groundwork with the simple basics: Go - stop - turn. As it was too cold for longing we did a slow jog in the indoor. That actually was really fun, Remy is such a quick learner, he figured out immediately what was expected of him (NOT charging ahead of me, politely and immediately stopping with a respectful distance). At the end, I felt ready for some in-hand classes. Turns out Remy is a "great puppy", meaning he walks perfectly on a leash (halter rope) - not something I can say about our to rambunctious Viszlas Max and Jaas.
Chambord "Mr. Sensitive Feet" showed off his new, custom made shoes - including padding and a 'rubber mound' to keep the snow from balling up. Jim Dolsen, our farrier, did a great job; and Chambord is happy and sound. JP climbed on Chambord bareback, but Chambord seemed to be confused by the concept ("what - no saddle, no bridle, and you are not wearing a helmet? I don't think I'll move"). Smart horse!
Hardworking Saumur got to do his favorite thing: rolling to his heart's content in the indoor. After that we just did a lot of walking, walk-halt transitions without a leadrope. Quite a change from his usual work: on Wednesday he did canter half pass left - flying change - half pass right with Sandy. I got an excited email from her: "Zigzags - here we come!"
After a liberal distribution of apples and carrots the boys headed back out to their playmates, we tried to 'de-ice' with the help of the heater blasting in our truck - and all were happy.
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