Too much ice and snow to drive to the barn (which, on a good day, takes an hour). Ah, no more excuses to skip the equine paperwork again... I really needed to get Remy's Morganhorse registration transferred, pay membership dues, have him registered with the USDF and USEF. All the fun -and expensive- stuff.
While filling out the transfer papers I noted the name of the breeder and the farm where Remy was born. A quick visit to Google and I found out that the "FRM" of his registered name "FRM Flower of Remington" stands for Faith Ranch Morgans. I emailed the ranch to see if I could get some more information on his 'early days'. I was not expecting the almost instant response from Pat Prouty, the owner of FRM. She gave me some information on Remy (she was hoping for a girl... well, I'll never tell him!), and sent me some lovely baby pictures. Quite the traveler, our boy: Not even four years old and he has almost crossed the entire US: Born in California, raised in Montana, and now he is with us in Michigan.
I was really happy to find out that his early days were at a very nice place with people that loved him. Of course, I knew that Remy had a wonderful upbringing with the Radtkes, but I was curious about the place where he was born. I always have Saumur and his 'baggage' in mind... It would not have made a difference in my choice of Saumur, of course, but if I had known everything about Saumur from the beginning I would have approached some things differently.
Remy really is a reflection of his upbringing, he is such a people horse. Somebody at the barn recently called him "a dog", and I was totally taken aback - until I realized she meant it in terms of a puppy dog disposition. Good thing I thought about it before punching her!
So, I spent a lot of money in registration fees and membership dues - but dealing with the tedious paperwork brought the 'bonus' of leading me to Remy's early childhood; with beautiful pictures of him and his mom to boot.
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