Mud season started early this year - I didn't think I'll ever say this, but I am actually missing the nice, fluffy white stuff! JP and I stared on awe at the guys.. their original coat colors were no longer recognizable. Saumur is wearing a sheet due to his trace clip, so at least he was 'only' wearing a dirty sheet.
Scraping off the mud was something else. Note to self: Wear goggles next time! My previously clean black jacket turned into a grayish mess by the time I finally had Remy somewhat decent. He must have enjoyed the 'massage', as he was falling asleep in the cross ties! When we finally went to work he was fully awake again, and happy to get moving. It's amazing, his body seems to change almost from day to day. He is still growing, and his body is filling out. While this is all very positive, of course, the bad part is the saddle fit. I just had it adjusted not too long ago, and now it looks like it's already getting tight.
Seems I have my own 'little Nureyev' in the barn - Saumur is doing canter pirouettes with Sandy! "Mr. Twinkletoes" is making great progress. Can't wait to see how he will be in my lesson tomorrow.
This time of the year it's just hard to be motivated, at least for me. I am still hoping to get the MDA scholarship for the training with George Williams. That would be so awesome and really something to look forward to. I submitted the application in November, but haven't heard anything. I am sure there is a lot of competition vying for this.
According to the groundhog (Groundhog day was yesterday) Spring should be upon us soon. Wonderful, more mud to look forward to. Better invest in an industrial strength vacuum cleaner for the boys so we can find them!
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