Whew - what a day: Slept in (a change from the usual 5 a.m. wake up call), scrubbed the bathroom and kitchen, vacuumed, did the laundry, had two lessons, went grocery shopping, took the dogs for an hour long romp through the woods... It'll be fairly easy to guess where I had the most fun - and no, it was not scrubbing the bathroom!
My first lesson was with Remy, and Sandy helped me getting his right lead canter correctly. Remy is just so eager to please he gets sometimes ahead of himself. But he got the hang of it, now all I have to do is making sure he goes where I want him to go. Easier said than done..
Saumur was awesome today, concentrated, eager to work, despite snow and ice coming off the roof and other horses being worked at the same time. His sessions with Sandy during the week sure make a HUGE difference for us. I feel so lucky that we can work with her, there are VERY few people I would trust letting work with my 'PTSD' horse. Saumur clearly loves his work, and he blossomed due to it.
Today, after the walk warm up, we went right to the canter. Canter - trot - canter, Canter - halt - canter transitions, followed by right lead canter - halt - counter canter - halt - right lead canter, and so on. That got Saumur on the aids, and both of us to pay attention. In the counter canter Sandy asked me to move Saumur's shoulders to the inside and - voila: A clean, collected change! No humping the back up, no charging, just easy as pie. We then left the canter alone and did the trot half passes to leg yields, as well as really collecting the trot, until we got almost close to half-steps. Pretty neat.
So, off I go now to relax and celebrate - my (fresly scrubbed) bathtub is calling!
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