For a while now I have struggled to keep my position correct in the saddle. I was perching forward, with my legs 'shooting out' behind. Clearly, this called for Luanne to the rescue. Luanne is the saddle fitter/rep for Schleese who has been working with us for several years now.
I still remember the sticker shock when a friend and FEI rider recommended these custom made, adjustable saddles. At the time, the saddle was more than my horse! But after a lot of research and meeting the (German) owner of the company I decided to go for it. I looked at it as a one-time-investment, as the saddle could 'grow' (that means getting adjusted) with us. After what seemed an awful lot of measurements (how long is my thigh again? You want to know my weight??) the order was placed and a couple of months later our saddle arrived. Over the years the correct dressage work changed Saumur's shape noticeably but with the proper adjustments the saddle always fit.
So today it required tree and air adjustments. I was really pleased when Luanne commented on how even Saumur is and how wonderful strong his back looks. Actually the reason for today's adjustment was the muscle development in his back, the more developed back muscles pushed the saddle on his now more defined withers - and me out of balance! After some major tweaking we are back in business, I am sitting correctly on my 'five letters' again (the German abbreviation of a colloquial term, which the Americans delicately call "sitting on your pant pockets").
The good news is: we can always accommodate Saumur's changing shape. The other news: it can not accommodate the changing shape of the rider. Guess I better monitor my Nutella consumption!
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