Lesson with Saumur today: Preparing for the shoulder in on the centerline, and in general applying "Less is More" - subtle aids that will result in a smoother response (duh!).
First we worked on getting Saumur to stretch and to move his shoulders. He has no problems moving his hind end, but boy, those shoulders can be rock hard (incidentally - that applies to me, too, the tight shoulders I mean). Interestingly, we need a different exercise for each side. On the right, it's shoulder in - on the left, haunches in. That really helped make Saumur more supple and bendable, and in turn improved the half-passes. Sandy stressed again that "Less is More". It means it is much kinder to the horse to use a gentle spur aid than the rider tensing the body, and pushing with all her might. And of course, right she is! I barely had to put my leg on, look where we need to go, and off we went floating across the arena.
Note to self: Call Luanne, the saddle fitter. Saumur's muscles have developed quite a bit since the last adjustment, and the air seems to get low. Yes, I am literally 'riding on air' - which is not everyone's preference, but I love it.
Remy and I got reminded of the "Black and White" rule today. No working in the 'grey zone'! Mainly I needed the reminder to instantly correct behaviour that is not wanted, i.e. when I ask for a transition "Hmm, maybe later" is not a good answer. And when he roots on the bit we stop instantly, no fiddling. All in all Remy was very good today, we started right where we left off yesterday.
So... now I wonder if I could apply the "Less is More" philosophy to housecleaning??
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