Ah, one day things are great, the next day - not so. I got really frustrated while working with Remy because I was so distracted by all the chatter around me. There are days where I can't stay in my bubble, meaning ignoring everything that's going on around me. And it was just such a day where I couldn't focus. We try to get the horses focus on us, but then we can't do the same for them - not fair, is it? Remy still tried his best, though, and we had some lovely trot work. I just need to be mindful of the outside rein, especially going to the right he needs it to stay straight.
By the time I got on Saumur I had myself pulled together (and most of the distractions were gone), and actually Saumur also filled in 'my holes'. It was a blustery day, with doors rattling and light coming through. First I wasn't sure if I should even give it a try, but we had a very good session without spooks. Go figure.
Time to drive home - but where are the truck keys?? Nowhere to be found. JP was carrying them in his jacket and they must have fallen out. After painstakingly raking the arena, checking stalls and turnouts still no keys. Britney loaned JP her car so he could drive home and get the spare set - but of course the house keys were with the truck keys. Ugh. I called Dolores, our farm sitter, to see if she could swing by to open the door. By the time Dolores got to our place JP had already broken a window and gone into the house. In the meantime, strange things were happening to the truck: The doors unlocked! Then all of a sudden the truck alarm went off. What the heck?? So, again we went on a search. Britney scored the win: The keys were in Chambord's stall, and by stepping on the remote he had unlocked the truck. Good thing he didn't drive off!
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