Glad to be back from Mexico City - and desperately in need of my 'horse fix' today. Remy was the 'choosen one'. He started out from the beginning relaxed on the longe line, and carried it through in our trot and walk work. Sandy asked if I wanted the give the canter a try - a first in her large arena. Yes, of course!
We had good departs on both hands, and really smooth canters :-) I was grinning from ear to ear. How fun! It is so unusual for me to ride a horse that doesn't see demons lurking in every corner, over analyzing anything that could happen. Remy is confident in himself, and takes life in stride. He is the best 'therapy' for me.
The early years with Saumur left me with what Sandy calls "PTSD" or "Beaten Wife Syndrome"... I am still having flashbacks to our troubled past: Saumur bolting out of control, spooks that could have sent me into the stratosphere, being trampled... even though things are MUCH better now, I never totally relax. So here is where Remy, the youngster, fills in as 'therapy horse' -- I am relaxed and happy when I ride him. That in turn transfers to my rides on Saumur. It should be the other way round, Saumur giving me the confidence for the youngster - but hey, I don't care who is helping whom, the important part is that all three of us are improving and having fun doing so!
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