Where did the time go? This last week sure flew by. I try not to think of the fact that the next long weekend will be Memorial Day, which seems eons away.
Another busy day at the barn and I really wondered how Remy would handle the commotion of four people riding, and another horse being longed besides himself. Well, Remy didn't worry like I did, he just went to work, and stayed focused. He longed very well, and the downward transitions are getting better and better, which means he is much more responsive.
I still was hesitant to get on (people riding! people watching!), and worked on our walk 'box', something we are comfortable with -- until Sandy reminded me that Remy was getting bored and we needed to get to work. So, on to the trot. With numerous reminders from Sandy to 'step it up' I got Remy into a good working trot around the entire arena. Sandy reminded me of what George Williams had told her regarding the work with the young horses: sometimes to have to step out of your comfort zone. And we were pushing my comfort zone here, as in my mind all the "what ifs" were running through. Entirely needless. Remy enjoyed his trot work and we had our highlight: he actually got on the bit and was nice and relaxed!! Good to know that one of us has it together - I've got lots to learn from the baby!
This week was a great bonding experience for Remy and me. The more time I spend with him the more smitten I am (OK, I am totally smitten already). Considering that JP had to push me quite a bit to make the decision to get Remy... Ugh, do I really have to admit he was right??? Guess so.
When I first met Remy in Montana I was not convinced that he would be a good fit for me. It wasn't 'love at first sight' and I didn't feel 'at home' riding him. When I told the Radtkes and Sally Anderson about my doubts they were great, all three told me not to feel rushed, to think about it, and to come back to spend more time with Remy. (99% of people selling horses would have pushed at that point, not matter the fit.) I have a tendency to over think and over analyze things and so was going back and forth about the decision incessantly. JP was from the beginning convinced that Remy and I would be perfect together, he listed all pros against my cons, and finally 'sold' me Remy.
What can I say: JP was right! (He can have that one, I am right -most- other times :-) )
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