Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leaving the 'kids' - and the importance of a great support system

Well, off I go again. This time to the French Alps for meetings with the new owners of the company. Then on Saturday I'll take the train from Geneva to Stuttgart, to spend my birthday with my family and friends in Germany. The first time in 21 (!) years. Too bad that JP has to stay behind.

We went to see the boys last night. Sandy had already worked Saumur, who is doing REALLY well with the transition to working indoors (no shying!) and his changes. I longed Remy with side reins while JP was riding Chambord. Remy is still trying to find out the connection to the bit, and I don't believe in 'cranking' him together. I want to encourage him to seek the contact, not force him. Both Remy and Chambord worked really well.

Every time I leave town I get nervous, no matter how often I do it (doesn't matter that I am one seasoned traveler). But I am so fortunate to have a great support system: I can trust Sandy with the boys 100%. I never have to worry that they will be mistreated, not fed or watered, not getting turned out, or having dirty stalls with not enough bedding. Years ago we boarded for a couple of months in the winter at a private barn until I found out that the barn worker didn't like Saumur and 'forgot' to feed him hay on numerous occasions; or yet another place where we found out that Crissy was beaten into the corner of her stall so the owner could clean while she was in there.

It sure helps that the boys, especially Saumur, have 'god-parents' in the form of Linda and Don. JP, of course, will be riding while I am gone, so the boys won't lack attention and a steady supply of love and treats is guaranteed :).

So here I go, leaving plenty of instructions (as if they were needed) and carrots behind,  feeling secure that all four boys (JP included) will be well taken care of.

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