Sunday, March 18, 2012

An awesome horse-weekend - and could it be that easy?

It really was almost a perfect horse weekend - and I say almost because of the weather. Yes, I know, never satisfied... but temps in the high 70s just don't jive with heavy winter coats. Aside from that minor issue both days riding was really fun and rewarding. My lessons Saturday on both Remy and Saumur were great, and JP was thrilled with his ride on Chambord.

Today I rode Remy first in the indoor and then took him out to the huge outdoor arena. As soon as Saumur saw us from his adjacent field he kept whinnying and my guilt trip set in. Remy didn't care at all, but I took my 'affair' out of sight, and we went about exploring the great outdoors.

For Saumur I decided to change our routine a bit. Instead of the double bridle I put him into Remy's snaffle (actually it is a hand-me-down from Saumur), and took him into the outdoor arena. After some walk and trot work we went into the canter. I got into a two-point position and we just worked on long easy lines. Saumur stayed very soft and focused, despite the manure spreader going up and down the field, children playing, constant gun shots (yes, this is the land of the free, where you can shoot your gun on a Sunday afternoon in proximity to people!). I really enjoyed on how soft Saumur stayed the whole time, so I tried some flying changes. No problem - easy as pie! Except for the fact that he stopped dead in is tracks after the first one and craned his neck, expecting sugar.

So, why no spooks or distractions today? I remembered that I read a long time ago that sometimes the race horse trainers put fleece on the noseband, so the horse's eyes focus on the object and thus making it easier to concentrate. Well, I was riding Saumur in a sheepskin covered noseband, as Remy had scraped his nose some time ago while playing outside and I put the sheepskin on for protection. It couldn't be that easy, could it?!?

Then, of course, the next question beckons:  Should I wear some sheepskin around my neck so my mind doesn't wander in boring meetings??

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