Grocery shopping: No; House Cleaning: No; Cooking: Not really; Laundry: Not so much -- BUT:
Lots of horse activities this weekend!
Saturday JP and I had good rides with all three boys, and then went to the Stallion Expo at Michigan State University. We hadn't done that together in eons, last time we were newly arrived in the US, and I had my heart set on buying a western saddle. I just had received Crissy as a gift from JP, and low and behold, wanted to learn western riding. Unfortunately, the only western riding in the area was walk-trot-canter while being decked out and supposedly looking pretty with lots of bling. That got old very quickly, neither Crissy nor I much cared about looking pretty - we both wanted action and preferred racing on the trails to the show ring any day.
This time around we weren't saddle shopping, even though western saddles were available in abundance. This year's expo was dedicated to RJ Smith, and we wanted to pay our respects to his widow, Jane, a very lovely lady. We did that and had a nice visit with Jane. She made us pause for a moment when she mentioned that RJ was at the Expo, and accompanied her in the arena --
Strolling the booths and checking out the horses was interesting, and -no surprise- the Crosswind Donkey Rescue booth beckoned us. Two very nice and helpful volunteers answered our questions, and ...well.. looks like we'll be checking out some donkeys as potential room (barn) mates soon.
Today JP got hit by the flu bug, so I rode all three boys. Remy was his usually happy self, Saumur not so much. Even though he had the Chiropractor work on him last week (who said he was fine), he didn't seem fine. Not really 'off' but stiff and not too happy. He was also breathing hard, I think the change in temps (60s today) is hard on him. Saumur still has a ton of hair, even though he is trace clipped. We'll take it easy and monitor him, and then see if we need further diagnostics. Some arthritic changes are to be expected, I guess.
I hadn't ridden Chambord in a while, and discovered again that he is quite the trotting machine. Chambord is a fun ride, and I am thinking he'd be perfect for a cow working session - I can see him really sorting the cows. Remy definitely was not pleased when I picked Chambord out from the pasture, he ran right up to Chambord and got after him - the 'little guy' actually bit the big one. While I was riding Chambord I could see Remy through the open arena door. He stood the entire time at the pasture gate sulking.
Guys -- Always possessive, always fighting over a girl (even if she makes them work)!
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