When I got the news about the MDA scholarship I was really excited, and I told my friends and several acquaintances about it, and also posted it on facebook.
Some of the reactions got me thinking, do I really have it all? The ten years with Saumur have more than once brought me to the brink of despair. There were numerous times when I was too scared to ride him (especially after Chambord had planted his hoof in my face). Saumur's trailering issue had me working for months and hours on end at trailer loading, completely exhausted and often in tears of exhaustion and frustration. More than once I was ready to give up and make a 'lawn ornament' out of him. Not to mention all the shows where he would spook and bolt, or the time when he ejected me at full speed on the trail, running over me and then heading home alone.
The rest of it didn't exactly fall into my lap either: I started my career in the US by cleaning 20 stalls a day. The Executive position I have now is due to very hard work, long hours, sheer grit and determination. Every day is a struggle to do it all. Same goes for everything else in my life.
So yes, I guess I have it all; and I am happy and extremely grateful for the suport I have had along the way. I won't be so bold as to quote Margaret Thatcher: "It wasn't luck - I deserved it!". But what the heck, there is some truth to it!
Congratulations on receiving this scholarship! You certainly deserve it! Don't know too many people that work as diligently as you do and every good thing that comes your way is well-earned!