JP had arthroscopic knee surgery on Friday. Years of wear and tear (plus soccer, motorcycle and other accidents) are taking their toll. Everything went well and JP is on the mend. The surgeon explained to me afterwards that he repaired as much as he could, but running and long walks are out. The bright side: He confirmed that in JP's case riding is better than walking!
Saturday Remy and I had our first stroll down the lane, just the two of us. Remy had worked well under saddle in the arena, so I thought it would be a good occasion to take him for a walk to the park. Remy marched right along, relaxed, curious, but not worried, even when his buddies called for him. What a joy to ride a horse like that! I told him that he'd have to step in Crissy's hoof prints, as she was my ultimate trail friend. Didn't get any objections, other than Remy probably thinking "What, following the example of a girl?! Piece of cake!"
With Saumur I changed things around. I rode him in a snaffle, wearing my soft half-chaps instead of the stiff boots, and no spurs. Our warm up consisted of forward canter in two-point. All went well until a car flew by our outdoor arena, splashing through the water puddles and backfiring at the same time. Saumur got scared and took off, but the great news is that I got him quickly under control and we continued on as if nothing had happened.
Tonight I have to leave for yet another business trip, first Paris, then Geneva, followed by Frankfurt and Stuttgart (that part is friends and family). Over a week without a horse fix?! It will be tough - and yes, JP -- of course I'll miss you, too!
I know that some women take a T-shirt or something of their husband's with them when they go out of town. Me... I am more thinking along the lines of taking a sweaty saddle pad :-)
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